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SiteGround hosting updates:We recently introduced our Monthly Security Reports that offer you valuable information about

SiteGround hosting updates:We recently introduced our Monthly Security Reports that offer you valuable information about how we’re securing your site and point out measures you may have missed. As we have noticed a great interest in the reports and considering that website speed is just as important as website security, we’ve decided to provide you with another useful feature – Monthly Performance Reports. These reports will inform you about different aspects related to your website speed and will help you identify things that may be improved.

What you’ll find in the Monthly Performance Reports

Each month we’ll automatically check a number of performance categories for your site: cache ratio, CDN usage, datacenter and network speed, WordPress optimization and others. Then, you’ll receive a report with the results which will include your total website performance score, a breakdown score for each category and actionable recommendations if some areas need improvement – straight to your inbox.

What are the benefits of the Monthly Performance Reports

Easy and regular access to information 

With our Monthly Performance Reports you will be receiving regular information about your site status, delivered by email. It will include important areas that may be hard for our clients to check themselves on a regular basis. For example, we will be monitoring what percentage of your traffic is served from the cache each month (the higher the percentage, the faster your site is) and will inform you if this ratio is not optimal.

Actionable tips

On top of all that, you’ll get actionable tips in case any of the performance categories need improvement. We’ll let you know how to make the most of each optimization option that is available on our platform with clear and easy instructions. Let’s say that we identify you’re not using our Dynamic cache option, or our CDN, or our WordPress Optimization plugin. In such a case, we’ll notify you about this and provide you with information on why to use it and how to switch it on.

User-friendly structure

You’ll be able to quickly scan through the results and spot the tips in an easy-to-follow, color-coded structure of the report. You’ll also get an overall score for the month both in points and percentages, as well as a comparison of how it has changed from the previous month.

How to receive your Monthly Performance Reports

You get this feature for free and it’ll be available for you, if you are a site owner of at least 1 active website.

We will gradually begin to proactively send the reports to all our clients, but you may sign up yourself today to be among the first to receive their report.

据SiteGround 主机最新消息:最近推出了网站月度安全/优化报告,为您提供有关我们如何保护您网站的宝贵信息,并指出您可能忽略的措施。由于我们注意到报告受到了很大的关注,并考虑到网站速度和网站安全同样重要,我们决定为您提供另一个有用的功能——月度性能报告。这些报告将向您介绍与您网站速度相关的不同方面,并帮助您识别可以改进的地方。







关有报告还不行,所以SiteGround还可以通过报告总结提供一些建议。SiteGround将通过清晰简单的说明让用户了解如何充分利用我们平台上可用的每个优化选项。假设您没有使用SiteGround的动态缓存选项、CDN或专用WordPress 优化插件。在这种情况下,SiteGround会就此通知您,并向您提供有关为何使用它以及如何打开它的信息。





WordPress Hosting / 悦然wordpress建站

WordPress Hosting / 悦然wordpress建站

【WordPress Hosting / 悦然wordpress建站】我是来自中国的wordpress爱好,喜欢与世界各地的朋友一起交流学习wordpress建站和维护相关知识。

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