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TinyPNG – JPEG, PNG & WebP image compression图片压缩插件使用教程

这篇文章给大家介绍了一款WordPress图片压缩插件的使用方法。这款插件叫做Compress JPEG & PNG images,它可以通过tinypng在线图片压缩提供商的服务器端进行压缩,从而减少图片占用的空间和带宽,提高网站的加载速度。文章分为三个步骤,分别是:下载安装插件,注册帐号获取KEY,设置插件选项,非常简单。


Share the WordPress Tutorialsl. Today’s topic is image compression. Today, 【WP-Host/悦然wordpress建站】shares with you a WordPress image compression plug-in, as well as a tutorial for using it. The plug-in is called Compress JPEG&PNG images, and can be downloaded for free from the WordPress Plug-in Center.

Step 1: Download and install the plug-in

WordPress Plugin:Compress JPEG & PNG images Download 

Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host

You can search and download directly through the plugin center in the background of WordPress’s website, or you can download it through the link above, install and activate it after downloading.

Step 2: Register an account to obtain a KEY

Unlike many other image compression tools, Compress JPEG&PNG images is mainly compressed through the server side of a tinypng online image compression provider. Therefore, we must register its account to use it properly. Its compression effect is very good and the speed is quite fast. The free account has a monthly compression quota of 500 images, which is sufficient for ordinary enterprise website users.

Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host

After activation, enter the plug-in settings page, where a registration window appears, and you can register by directly entering the user name and email address. If you have registered before, you can also directly enter the key on the right.

Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host

After the registration is submitted, the plug-in service provider will send a master activation email to your mailbox. (It should be noted here that QQ mailbox may not be registered most of the time, you can try another mailbox)

Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host

As shown in the picture above, click the activation button in the middle.

Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host

Next, you will enter the API key management page. By default, your key is disabled. Here you need to click the button on the right and select [Enable key] to enable it. Here you can copy the API key and save it.

Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host

Next, we only need to refresh the plug-in settings page in the background of wordpress website building. If it is displayed as shown in the above picture, it means that this image compression plug-in can be used.

Step 3: Set up the plugin

For most users, the Compress JPEG & PNG images plug-in does not require additional settings, and the default is fine.

If you need to compress a lot of pictures and don’t want to pay, then you can use the following settings to save money and avoid unnecessary waste of free quota.

Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host

Select image zizes on the plug-in settings page, here we can cancel the compression of some small-sized pictures, because these pictures are generally very small, there is no need to compress, so that some free quota can be saved.


Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host

I have prepared a 4.91 megabyte image, which is directly shown in the original image above on the WordPress article editing page.

Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host

After a while, I checked this picture again, and its size became 432 KB, and the size was automatically compressed. It can be seen that the picture before compression does not affect our viewing, so the effect is really good.

Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host

If you want to compress the pictures before using the plug-in, go to [Media]-[Bulk Optimization], and then click the start button.


After using it as a whole【WP-Host/悦然wordpress建站】I feel that the image compression plug-in Compress JPEG & PNG images is still very strong, and it is worth recommending. Generally, I don’t care about it after installing and registering. Just upload the website image as usual

That’s it.

The only thing to note here is that after uploading pictures, it has a process of connecting to the picture compression server, which may slow down the speed of some websites, especially for users with slow server configurations.

分享wordpress建站教程,今天分享的主题是图片压缩。今天【WP-Host/悦然wordpress建站】给大家分享一个wordpress图片压缩插件,同时分享使用教程,插件名为Compress JPEG & PNG images,可以到wordpress插件中心免费下载。


Compress JPEG & PNG images下载地址

Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host



与其它很多图片压缩工具不同的是Compress JPEG & PNG images主要是通过tinypng在线图片压缩提供商的服务器端进行压缩的,所以我们必须要注册它的帐号才能正常使用,它的压缩效果非常好,速度也挺快的,免费帐号每月有500张图片的压缩额度,对一般的企业网站用户来说足够用了。

Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host


Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host


Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host


Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host

接下来你会进入API key的管理页面,默认情况下你的key是关闭的,这里需要点右边的按扭,选【Enable key】开启,这里可以把API key复制下来保存好。

Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host



对大多数用户来说Compress JPEG & PNG images插件是不需要额外设置的,默认就可以了。如果你需要压缩的图片有点多,而且不想付费,那么你可以通过接下来的设置精打细算,可以避免一些不必要的免费额度浪费。

Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host

在插件设置页面中image zizes选中,这里我们可以取消一些小尺寸图片的压缩,因为这些图片一般都忆经很小的,没有必要再压缩,这样就可以节省一些免费额度了。


Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host


Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host


Tiny PNG – JPEG, PNG & Web P image compression image compression plug-in tutorial-WP-Host

如果你想压缩使用插件之前的图片,进入【媒体】-【Bulk Optimization】,然后点开始按扭即可。


整体使用下来【WP-Host/悦然wordpress建站】觉得Compress JPEG & PNG images这款图片压缩插件还是很强的,很值得推荐,一般安装注册后也不会特别管它,跟往常一下上传网站图片就可以了。这里唯一要注意的是上传图片之后它有一个连接图片压缩服务器的过程,这期间可能会拖慢一些网站速度,特别是服务器配置较慢的用户会感觉较为明显。

WordPress Hosting / 悦然wordpress建站

WordPress Hosting / 悦然wordpress建站

【WordPress Hosting / 悦然wordpress建站】我是来自中国的wordpress爱好,喜欢与世界各地的朋友一起交流学习wordpress建站和维护相关知识。