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限制用户登陆次数,保护你的wordpress网站(3种方法) :本文是一个简单实用的wordpress教程,主要给大家分享如果保护wordpress网站登陆安全,通过限制登陆次数的方法来防止别人无限次的尝试登陆你的网站,分享了3个实现方法,总有一个适合你。

Limit the number of user logins to protect your wordpress website(3 ways to achieve)-WP-Host

Keep sharing wordpress tutorials. Website security is one of the issues we must pay attention to. There are many website background login systems that allow you to enter passwords unlimited times, so in theory, as long as you keep trying, hackers may crack your website passwords, thus affecting your age.

Carrying out illegal operations will have serious consequences.

So what to do? Next【WP-Host/悦然wordpress建站】will share with you the method of limiting the number of user logins.

Method 1: Use the code

We can add the following code to the functions.php file of the current wordpress website building theme to achieve the effect of limiting the number of user logins:

/* Limit the number of user logins to protect your wordpress website
# 阻止登录的函数,直接 404
function block_login() {header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");header("Status: 404 Not Found");exit;}
# 登录前判断登陆的失败次数
add_action("login_head",function () {
$login_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$login_ip_list = unserialize(get_option("LOGIN_IP_LIST"));
# 登录失败超过2次就进行阻止登陆
if($login_ip_list && ($login_ip_list[$login_ip] > 2)) {block_login();}});
# 登录失败的处理
add_action('login_errors', function ($info) {
$login_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$login_ip_list = get_option("LOGIN_IP_LIST");
if($login_ip_list) {$login_ip_list = unserialize($login_ip_list);} else {$login_ip_list = array();}
# 登录次数 + 1
$login_ip_list[$login_ip] += 1;
update_option('LOGIN_IP_LIST', serialize($login_ip_list));
# 提示登录失败的次数
return "$login_ip 登陆次数 " . $login_ip_list[$login_ip];});
# 证明已经登录成功了
add_action("admin_menu", function () {
$login_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$login_ip_list = unserialize(get_option("LOGIN_IP_LIST"));
$login_ip_list[$login_ip] = 0;
update_option('LOGIN_IP_LIST', serialize($login_ip_list));});

The above code can limit the number of logins according to the IP. The default is to limit the number of logins if it exceeds 2 times. You can also modify the value according to the actual situation. The Chinese notes inside can be modified or deleted.

Adding code to the functions.php file may be affected by updating the theme or updating the theme. 【WP-Host/悦然wordpress建站】recommends that you use the Code Snippets plugin instead of the functions.php file.

Code Snippets


Method 2: Use a plugin

In addition to usage and code, we can also use wordpress plugins to limit the number of user logins. The wordpress plugin recommended here is Limit Login Attempts Reloaded.

Limit the number of user logins to protect your wordpress website(3 ways to achieve)-WP-Host

Limit Login Attempts Reloaded


The Limit Login Attempts Reloaded plugin can be downloaded in the plugin center, or can be downloaded and installed through the link above.

Limit the number of user logins to protect your wordpress website(3 ways to achieve)-WP-Host

After the plug-in is installed and enabled, you only need to make simple settings, and then save it to take effect.

Method 3: Use the Site Ground Security Plugin

If you are using a Site Ground hosting, you can directly use their wordpress security plug-in SiteGround Security, which is usually provided with the host. You only need to install wordpress in the background of the Site Ground hosting with one click, and it will be installed automatically.
Then you go directly to configure and use it.


The above is today’s wordpress tutorial. I hope everyone can pay attention to website security issues. In addition to limiting the number of user logins, we can further improve website security performance through firewalls and other methods.

Limit the number of user logins to protect your wordpress website(3 ways to achieve)-WP-Host





/* Limit the number of user logins to protect your wordpress website
# 阻止登录的函数,直接 404
function block_login() {header("HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found");header("Status: 404 Not Found");exit;}
# 登录前判断登陆的失败次数
add_action("login_head",function () {
$login_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$login_ip_list = unserialize(get_option("LOGIN_IP_LIST"));
# 登录失败超过2次就进行阻止登陆
if($login_ip_list && ($login_ip_list[$login_ip] > 2)) {block_login();}});
# 登录失败的处理
add_action('login_errors', function ($info) {
$login_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$login_ip_list = get_option("LOGIN_IP_LIST");
if($login_ip_list) {$login_ip_list = unserialize($login_ip_list);} else {$login_ip_list = array();}
# 登录次数 + 1
$login_ip_list[$login_ip] += 1;
update_option('LOGIN_IP_LIST', serialize($login_ip_list));
# 提示登录失败的次数
return "$login_ip 登陆次数 " . $login_ip_list[$login_ip];});
# 证明已经登录成功了
add_action("admin_menu", function () {
$login_ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$login_ip_list = unserialize(get_option("LOGIN_IP_LIST"));
$login_ip_list[$login_ip] = 0;
update_option('LOGIN_IP_LIST', serialize($login_ip_list));});


使用把代码添加到functions.php文件中可能会受更新主题或更新主题的影响,【WP-Host/悦然wordpress建站】推荐大家使用Code Snippets插件代替functions.php文件。

Code Snippets



除了使用和代码,我们还可以使用wordpress插件来限制用户登陆次数,这里推荐的wordpress插件是Limit Login Attempts Reloaded。

Limit the number of user logins to protect your wordpress website(3 ways to achieve)-WP-Host

Limit Login Attempts Reloaded


Limit Login Attempts Reloaded插件可以在插件中心下载,也可以通过上面的链接下载安装。

Limit the number of user logins to protect your wordpress website(3 ways to achieve)-WP-Host


方法三:使用SiteGround Security插件

如果你使用了是SiteGround主机,那么可以直接使用他们提供wordpress安全插件SiteGround Security,这个插件一般是随主机一起提供的,你只需要在SiteGround主机后台一键安装wordpress,它会自动安装,然后你直接去配置使用就可以了。



WordPress Hosting / 悦然wordpress建站

WordPress Hosting / 悦然wordpress建站

【WordPress Hosting / 悦然wordpress建站】我是来自中国的wordpress爱好,喜欢与世界各地的朋友一起交流学习wordpress建站和维护相关知识。